Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Open letter to infertility

We have known each other for a couple of years now. Those have been some long years in fact. Throughout our relationship we've had our ups and downs. More downs than ups, really. At first I took your presence as a joke. Something to not worry too much about. As time passed by you had the ability to etch your mark deep inside my soul. Your roots have settled deep. 

You are a thief and a liar. You have taken away bits of my hope... my faith now dangles by a thread and my sanity... barely there. You have whispered false hopes, curling up beside me reassuring me that everything is going to be OK. Nonsense! It was all a ruse to make me more comfortable, more at ease with you. You have taken away my ability to be truly happy. You have robbed us of our hard earned savings. The little money that we make is for you. You greedy monster! You have wrecked havoc inside my body and mind. You are such a bitch and you know it. There's nothing good or redeemable about you. 

There are days were your presence is just a mere afterthought. Those days are few and far in between, though. On most days your presence resonates strong and loud in all the corners of my home. Those corners which should be filled with laughter and giggles are blanketed with sadness. 

There were times in which I thought you were finally coming around. You showed me in brief flashes what it would be like to be at the other side, without you sucking all of my time and strength away. There were times in which I believed that I was free of your conniving ways, but no... you were always there. Lurking and ready to pounce. Always have been. At the slightest glimpse of a smile you showed your face again. You can't see me happy, do you? You can't stand the thought of me getting away from you for good?

Well, I've got news for you dear friend. You have also given me something invaluable. You have given me strength and determination. I am going to fight you back. And I'm going to win. So prepare yourself because you have created another monster. I will not back off. I will be your worst nightmare. So enjoy your stay while you can, because those days of torturing and tormenting me are numbered. They are over!


  1. Replies
    1. Hope you don't mind, but I've mentioned it on Mel's Friday Round-Up. http://www.stirrup-queens.com/2013/04/438th-friday-blog-roundup/#comment-98320

  2. Not at all, Mali. Thanks so much!

    Take care!
